The organization initiated this type of program to continue the fight against the stigma of civil discussion under the topics related to Sex Education, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This also roots in the observable ignorance among our peers and lack of awareness of such issues. Through this program, students may engage in a comprehensive sex, HIV, and AIDS education that may be useful all throughout their life. The program was successful in spreading awareness and knowledge about sex education, discussing HIV and AIDS in-depth, and providing information on the HIV Philippine policy act. The way the aids were presented during the aforementioned occasion was exactly what the facilitators and audiences anticipated it. The fact that it was performed online may have contributed to the participants' perceived lack of engagement, although there was enough of time to explore the subject. The program is faithfully executed. The guest speaker sheds further light on the subject that the project wants to cover and helps the delegates understand the value of sex education and the need to be aware of this subject. The event went well, and many ideas, suggestions, and knowledge were gained from it, including how each person should value their privacy and how kids should be educated about their genital organs to prevent abuse. The event was publicized and circulated throughout the students to increase awareness and understanding of the topic.