Consistent with the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) in protecting the planet, SLSU observes austerity measures and systems improvement in terms of energy efficiency, water conservation, recycling program, transportation and mobility, and stewardship of Mt. Banahaw.
In optimizing the use of electricity and other utilities, everyone is asked to practice the following measures:
- • Lights, office equipment, and electrical appliances must be plugged off properly after office hours/classes or when not in use.
- • The use of air conditioning unit shall be from 9:00am-4:00pm only or as needed.
- • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities and resources must be used for school-/work-related functions only.
- • A 4-day work week scheme during summer/midyear to save electricity is adopted.
- • Acquiring of energy-efficient appliances and considering partial off-grid power sources are encouraged.
- • The procurement and/or use of electronic equipment/gadget/appliances for personal purposes is/are not allowed.
- • Overtime is allowed upon approval of the written notice/request.
- • The SLSU community participates in the Earth Hour every year.
To utilize the water responsibly, the university encourages its community to observe the items below:
- • Water faucets must be properly turned off after every use.
- • Reduce water consumption and/or reuse wastewater as much as possible.
- • Maintenance of water facilities and water quality testing are regularly conducted by the Physical Plant and Facilities Department.
The university is committed to adhere to the following measures in managing supplies and waste :
- • Minimize office supply waste by reducing the number of unique items ordered and standardizing and simplifying the supply list.
- • Save computer ink through the use of continuous and/or dot matrix printer in the office.
- • Submit an inventory report or waste material report to the Supply Office before processing a purchase request for a new or additional supplies/materials.
- • Supplies and equipment for disposal are inspected by the Supply and Disposal Committee following the Law on Disposal of Government Property.
- • Practice reducing, reusing, and recycling paper with a blank back page for inter-office communication.
- • Use email/text/social media platforms for internal and external communication as appropriate.
- • Waste segregation and reduction are practiced within the premises of the campus.
- • Ecological disposal of waste is practiced.
- • Competitions on the creative use of recyclable materials are organized as a way for waste reduction campaign.
The university’s transportation and mobility services encourage the ability of individuals to carry out fundamental tasks outside of the campus as follows:
- • University vehicles are for official business use only.
- • Travel on weekend and holidays are discouraged.
- • The request for the use of vehicle should be submitted 3 days prior to the date of travel, except in case of emergency with approval of the President/authorized representative.
- • Car pooling (minimum of 3 passengers or a single-passenger with at least 3 destinations in close proximity) is highly encouraged.
- • Mileage is reported and duly documented.
- • Preventive maintenance plan for vehicles, equipment, buildings, and other infrastructure are laid out and followed.
As part of the university’s commitment to environment and natural resources protection, SLSU facilitates the following:
- • Management and protection of Mt. Banahaw San Cristobal Protected Landscape from any unlawful destruction and occupation in coordination with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is established.
- • A nursery for the indigenous tree species of Mt. Banahaw is maintained.
- • An annual tree-planing activity participated by the graduating students is organized.