Junior High School Application Requirements AY 2024-2025By slsu23 / October 10, 2023 APPLICATION FOR SLSU JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL A.Y. 2024-2025 IS NOW OPEN.Application Period:October 16 to November 10, 2023ย NOTE: Make sure to secure the 2×2 picture and SF10 (or Form 137) before answering the form. APPOINTMENT LINK FOR SLSU JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATION AY 2024-2025:HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/SLSUJHS2024ย For other concerns and/or inquiries, you may contact us through: SLSU STUDENT ADMISSION OFFICESOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITYLUCBAN, QUEZON 0905-522-43410951-868-63910951-217-9881LINES ARE OPEN FROM MON-FRI 8AM – 5PM Facebook.com/SLSUAdmission admission@slsu.edu.phslsuadmissions@gmail.com