Southern Luzon State University

Southern Luzon State University


A leading academic institution in the field of business, education, health and technology programs in the Southern part of Quezon Province that produces quality and competitive graduates in the industry.


SLSU Gumaca Campus is committed to provide relevant and quality education to its clientele for the economic development of the community and the country as a whole and promote environmental stewardship.


Provide quality undergraduate curricular programs, increase productivity in research, service to the community, and support environmental awareness and programs for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

  1. Produce quality graduates imbued with professional values and trained in community service.
  2. Conduct researches to improve the teaching learning process and address the needs of the community.
  3. Provide extension and community outreach activities and programs including that of the protection of the environment.
  4. Establish and maintain linkages with the different government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other academic institutions in pursuit of technical and financial assistance and employment of its graduates.
  5. Continuous improvement of campus facilities to enrich the learning process and work environment of all the stakeholders.

Campus Officials


Campus Director

Harlene L. DimailigProgram Chairperson, BSBA Human Resource Management
Krish Bernadette P. PalayProgram Chairperson, BSEd Social Studies
Ian Titus RamonesProgram Chairperson, BSIT-Computer Technology
Kevo Riel U. TarrayProgram Chairperson, BSEd Math
Felisicimo E. SantiagoResearch and Extension Coordinator

Courses We Offer

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Human Resource Development Management

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Diploma in Midwifery

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Major in Computer Technology

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Social Studies

Major in Mathematics

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