With the full support of the administration, SLSU - Office of International and Alumni Affairs (OIAA) in collaboration with Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO) has successfully wrapped up the “Capability Enhancement on International Business for College of Administration, Business Hospitality and Accountancy (CABHA) Faculty with CESO” through a Culminating Activity held on September 1, 2022 via zoom. The event highlighted the learning insights of the faculty in the series of training session from July 14, 2022 anchored on CESO’s program on Accelerating Women Empowerment.
SLSU Head of Faculty and Staff Development Program Dr. Susana A. Salvacion formally opened the Culminating Activity by giving a warm welcome remark followed by the inspirational message by the SLSU President Dr. Doracie B. Zoleta-Nantes. Present in the said event are the Dean of Graduate School (GS) Dr. Mari Jane A. Lee, faculty of CABHA and GS – DBA and MBA programs, OIAA staff, and CESO Project Officers – Mr. Vener Valerio and Mr. Erwin Altamarino. The synthesis of learning insights and appreciation were expressed by Prof. Rosemarie N. Gella and Prof. Jeremiah P. Elloso as one of the trainees. The closing remarks are delivered by Dr. Chona V. Cayabat – Dean of CABHA and Mr. Matt Navalta – CESO Country Representative, Philippines.
The faculty who was grouped into four, presented an export plan as the output of the training which were commended by CESO. Furthermore, the output can be disseminated and discussed to the concerned entities. This may serve as a rapid export assessment and can be coordinated with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) is privileged to be supported and complemented with talents of CESO in the goal of sustaining personnel development and competency level of teaching personnel through faculty training. This training on international business handled by a well-rounded CESO Advisor Mr. Aarij Bashir and the active participation of the trainees have made the objectives of the mentoring met–provision of technical training, updates on trends on international business operation, and uplifted entrepreneurial spirit.