Southern Luzon State University

Southern Luzon State University

New set of SLSU EA Officers takes oath

On January 20, the newly elected officers of the Employees Association (EA) of Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) for AY 2025-2026 were introduced to the University President, Dr. Frederick T. Villa.

The following officers took an oath, promising to take responsibility for their role as leaders and representatives of the non-teaching employees:

Organization Members

Organization Members

  • President:Ms. Emma O. Reyes
  • Vice President:Mr. Ryan A. Alcoreza
  • Secretary:Ms. Julie-An G. Nacorda
  • Treasurer:Mr. Angelo V. Panganiban
  • Auditor:Ms. Rencel E. Mendoza
  • PRO:Mr. Froilan Virnard A. Alcoreza
  • Sergeant at Arms:Mr. Mark Jeffrey C. Mabalot

Board of Directors

Ms. Michelle I. Gensaya

Mr. Sherwin R. Villa

Ms. Catherine V. Babierra

Ms. Ira Jovette D. Caballero

Ms. Maria Soledad Terciano

Mr. Milton O. Gaelo

Ms. Korina Mae C. Sales

Mr. Dexter C. Diamante

Mr. Jose Jarlo Z. Perez

Ms. Joy B. Villenas

Ms. Nordeliza A. Mancenido

Ms. Diana Elizabeth A. Reyes

By: SMRivere

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