Following the successful implementation of the mentorship program with Catalyste+, Canada with the graduate and undergraduate students of business administration and allied programs, and non-teaching staff of SLSU administrative offices, the Office of International and Alumni Affairs (OIAA) collaborated with the Department of Trade and Industry to expand the scope of the project including the business counselors, officers and selected entrepreneurs in Quezon province as initially discussed during the meeting with DTI Provincial Director Julieta Tadiosa along with DTI officers Ms. Anna Marie Quincina, Ms. Ma. Cristina Avio, Ms. Lani Constantino and Catalyste+ Project Officer Mr. Erwin Altamarino on August 14, 2023.
The primary objective of the mentoring project “Accelerating Women Empowerment of Business Students, Faculty, Staff and Business Counselors and Entrepreneurs through Mentoring – Part 3” is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of the counselors and entrepreneurs on leadership and management through the Catalyste+ Advisor Dr. John O’Dwyer, having a profound experience on business, management, and leadership as a senior executive board member, thought leader of various organizations, and an adjunct professor in the University of Toronto – Rotman School of Management.
The training session commenced on October 26, 2023 at Max’s Restaurant, Tayabas City, as facilitated by the OIAA Director Dr. Joanna Paula E. Verano and staff Mr. Dexter C. Diamante and Ms. Kaye Xandra D. Racelis. Ms. Ana Marie Quincina, the Chief Trade and Industry Development Specialist, formally opened the event with a warm welcome remark followed by a brief overview of the mentorship program and introduction of the advisor delivered by Dr. Verano. DTI Provincial Director Ms. Tadiosa also expressed her appreciation to SLSU and to Catalyste+, Canada for making the program available to their organization and its clienteles.
On October 26, 2023, Dr. O’Dwyer conducted the training session on “Up YOUR Leadership Game” which focused on the following topics: 1) management system, 2) comprehensive framework for success, 3) a Harvard business review article on “What Makes and Effective Executive” by Peter Drucker, and 4) Getting It Done Tools. Participants were assigned individual and team tasks and had the opportunity sharing their answers and outputs.
To wrap up the mentoring session the participants shared a synthesis of learning which Dr. O’Dwyer appreciated. Certificate of Participation was given to business counselors / officers and entrepreneurs and the Certificate of Appreciation to DTI for co-organizing the mentoring session. DTI awarded Dr. O’Dwyer and the OIAA with a Certificate of Appreciation for extending the projects to their staff and clienteles. Mr. Erwin Altamarino, Catalyste+ Project Officer delivered the closing remarks expressing his appreciation for the collaborative efforts in facilitating the said project.