Southern Luzon State University

Southern Luzon State University

ICropS Visits TCL; eyes it as Potential Molecular Laboratory

The Institute of Crop Science (ICropS) under the College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS) – University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) conducted a cross-learning activity in the Tissue Culture Laboratory (TCL) as the possible basic molecular laboratory in SLSU.

ICropS, led by their Project Leader, Dr. Reniel S. Pamplona, is conducting a project entitled “Promotion of Agricultural Biotechnology through Basic Molecular Laboratory Training and Interactive Activities.”

This initiative aims to increase biotechnology information dissemination by highlighting its advantages and applications for the Filipino community.

The team identified the Tissue Culture Laboratory of SLSU as potential Molecular Laboratory as they said that the current set-up of the lab is interconnected in several ways, particularly in research and applications related to plant biotechnology, and gene identification of disease-free micro propagated plants using tissue culture.

The ICropS team noted that both laboratories can collaborate on conservation projects, where tissue culture is used for plant propagation and molecular methods to assess genetic diversity or genetic markers associated with disease resistance of samples.

They identified the existing rooms on the ground floor to be feasible in accommodating the molecular laboratory. They provided a checklist of equipment and items needed to set up a functional laboratory. Some equipment and laboratory supplies are already available in TCL.

They also provided some bits of advice regarding the production of embryo culture of macapuno, especially during nursery management.

The SLSU administration welcomes the suggestion of the team so that related research and laboratory services can be expanded in the future.

The cross-learning activity is made possible through the Memorandum of Understanding for close collaboration signed between SLSU and UPLB.

By: Rose Ann Martinez and Jillian Bautista

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