As discussed with our international partner Catalyste+, Canada, the Office of International and Alumni Affairs will be facilitating a training for the non-teaching staff, specifically the MIS-ICT Office, on the areas of inventory system as introduced by the visiting Catalyste+ Advisor during her assignment in the country. Catalyste+ identified the Management Information System – Information & Communications Technology (MIS-ICT) office as the primary participant for the training on inventory system which will be cascaded and adopted in the offices of the university like the Business Affairs teaching staff to be exposed in the global practices on inventory system management. Office and Supply Office. For a wider impact of this training session, the learnings and insights acquired by the MIS-ICT team can be used later on for extension programs of the institution. This project – “Training of Trainors on Inventory System” is another opportunity for the non--teaching staff to be exposed in the global practices on inventory system management.